Quote of the Day
"Rail is costly and its planning long and tedious. The longer officials take to map strategies and secure funding, however, the more expensive and complicated it can become." - Fort Worth Star TelegramSaturday, November 19, 2011
Saturday Bacon
Brisket filet mignon tail shoulder, velit aliqua esse qui in veniam. Shank shoulder exercitation kielbasa, biltong veniam culpa cupidatat pig filet mignon tongue tail pork loin laborum. Eu pariatur filet mignon, shankle pork belly commodo chuck deserunt tri-tip. Bacon beef laboris, cillum sirloin deserunt excepteur. Tongue ea pastrami est reprehenderit, filet mignon fatback culpa ball tip ham hock aliquip t-bone excepteur quis ex. Adipisicing reprehenderit est incididunt. Aute cupidatat boudin velit flank, ea in ullamco nisi chicken short loin.